Peoria Public Schools Superintendent Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Ph.D. ’06, is many things. She is a leader, an educator, an innovator, a wife, a mother, and a nature lover.
Portrait of a progressive leader: Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat

Peoria Public Schools Superintendent Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Ph.D. ’06, is many things. She is a leader, an educator, an innovator, a wife, a mother, and a nature lover.
Illinois State University alum Megan Nickels is the founder and faculty director of PedsAcademy at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, Florida, which creates educational experiences tied to a patient’s disease or condition.
Brenda Nedved, Haley Drucker, and Mark Reppen are the deaf and hard of hearing program’s only graduates this December. The three students are all members of the deaf community. While Nedved grew up as a child of deaf adults, Drucker and Reppen were born deaf.
Illinois State University’s Gamma Phi Circus performed in the 93rd Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Updates from outstanding students across the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations’ graduate programs.
New EAF Assistant Professor Linsay DeMartino hails from Buffalo, New York, and attended college in Arizona.
Two cohorts of leaders from the higher education doctoral programs attended the Womens’ Leadership Success in Higher Education, March 27 29, 2019, in Denver.
Gavin Weiser is a second-year assistant professor for the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations’ (EAF) College Student Personnel Administration (CSPA) program.
We applaud these Illinois State alumni featured in the November 2019 issue.
An apartment choice made independently by Bob Mathes and Susan (Hawkins) as they completed undergraduate degrees in agriculture and chemistry respectively resulted in romance and creation of an ISU legacy family.