NCUE joins COE in restorative practices training

DeGarmo Hall in the sunlight

In May, 423 College of Education (COE) faculty and staff from Illinois State University were invited by the COE Diversity Education Committee (DEC) to take part in a pilot training initiative in Restorative Practices.

Fellows work in solidarity with communities

Viridiana Lopez and Nadia Chiavola help unbox items for the trunk drive

This summer the Chicago Teacher Education Pipeline (CTEP) celebrated 10 years of running the summer fellowship program STEP-UP (Summer Teacher Education Partnership for Urban Preparation).

CTEP staff addresses Little Village graduates

Jose A Guerrero

In May José Alfredo Guerrero, program coordinator for the Chicago Teacher Education Pipeline at the National Center for Urban Education (NCUE) was invited to deliver the keynote address to the eighth grade graduating class at Madero Middle School. 

Nested in excellence

Pre-service teachers speak with a parent avatar during a Virtual Nest simulation.

Virtual learning simulation provides valuable practice in a low-stakes environment

Chasing the fun

Zac Chase on the shores of Western Cape in South Africa where he led trainings for teachers on educational technologies.

Redbird educator Zac Chase has inspired students and educators around the world.