Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Baker is willing to go the extra mile, challenge the status quo, and lead by example.
Legend: The story of Distinguished Professor Paul Baker

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Baker is willing to go the extra mile, challenge the status quo, and lead by example.
Día del Niño, or Day of the Child, is a traditional holiday that is celebrated annually on April 30 in Mexico and across Latin America.
The ISU Chicago Teacher Education Pipeline program co-hosted the Urban Teacher Education Consortium 2019 meeting in March alongside the University of Chicago Urban Teacher Education Program and National Louis University.
In times that demand higher education institutions to be more aggressive and develop principals qualified to meet the complex environment, the principal preparation program at Illinois State University has risen to this challenge.
Doctoral students Lauren O’Donnell and Carmen Bergman attended the The Carnegie Project for Education Doctorate (CPED) Convening—Evidence of Impact: Measuring Change and Changing our Measures at Florida State University.
Redbirds may not know that job offers can be negotiated, or may be too intimidated to do so. The Career Center encourages students and alumni to tackle their fears with useful strategies to negotiate job offers with confidence.
We applaud these Illinois State alumni featured in the March 2019 issue.
Each month we showcase some of the best and brightest students ISU has to offer. These students are committed to excellence, no matter their field or passion. This month, meet four scholarship recipients dedicated to creating change and giving back.
The newly renovated Brown Ballroom in the Bone Student Center played host Friday, April 5, to some of Illinois State’s top minds during the 27th Annual University Research Symposium.
Created by Ani Yazedjian with a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the program focuses on relationship skills, job readiness, and financial literacy targeted toward at-risk youth.