The College of Education at Illinois State University will induct nine alumni as new members into its Hall of Fame during Homecoming 2016 on Friday, October 7.
College of Education announces Hall of Fame inductees

The College of Education at Illinois State University will induct nine alumni as new members into its Hall of Fame during Homecoming 2016 on Friday, October 7.
Teacher and activist Jesse Hagopian will deliver a talk titled “Black Education Matters” on September 30.
The Department of Health Sciences is excited to showcase Elizabeth Carter as the first featured student of the fall semester.
A parent meeting for Chess Cats will be 5:30 p.m. Monday, October 3, in the Fairchild Lounge. Chess Cats is open to all Kindergarten through eighth-grade students. Chess Cats meets every Thursday from 3:10-4:30 p.m., starting October 20. Activity fee is $35.00 per student.
The fall Bike to School Day originally scheduled for October 5th has been cancelled.
The 2016 College of Education Annual Report highlights the size, national rankings and overall impact of educator preparation at Illinois State University.
Illinois State’s educator preparation program is hosting the 7th annual Teaching in the 21st Century Conference, Sept. 23.
Faculty members from the College of Education examine how teacher preparation plays into staying in the teaching field.
Third and fourth-graders and anyone new (grades 3-8) to Metcalf are invited to be a part of our 30th year of the Junior Gamma Phi Circus.
Illinois State University’s immersive fellowship and summer residency program for pre-service teachers in Chicago was featured this week on the PBS NewsHour national evening newscast.