Dozens of elementary and middle level students from around Illinois will showcase their skills at the Fingerspelling Bee on ISU’s campus, Thursday, April 21 at 11 a.m. in Prairie Room South, Bone Student Center.
Unit: College of Education
Q&A with New Teacher Conference keynote speaker Greg Michie
The College of Education sat down with this year’s New Teacher Conference keynote speaker, Greg Michie. Read about his journey and a glimpse at what he will discuss at the conference.
U-High teacher Robert Fitzgerald receives Fulbright award
University High School social science teacher Robert Fitzgerald has been offered a Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching grant to the United Kingdom.
Perry Schoon named American Council on Education fellow
Perry Schoon, College of Education dean at Illinois State University, has been named an American Council on Education (ACE) fellow for the 2016-2017 academic year.
Brain Science for Principals: What School Leaders Need to Know
Linda L. Lyman, a professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University, has edited the book Brain Science for Principals: What School Leaders Need to Know.
Paper Tigers film screening first step to create trauma-informed communities
On March 30, more than 700 future and practicing teachers, community members, and Illinois State faculty and staff gathered together in Braden Auditorium to view Paper Tigers, a film focused on a new approach to educating and nurturing traumatized youth.
Photos: Redbird scholars at Illinois State Research Symposium
More than 500 Illinois State undergraduate and graduate students distilled months of hard work into posters that they displayed Friday at the University Research Symposium.
Education faculty to share cutting-edge research, April 4
The Research and Recognition Event was created to provide a forum for graduate students, faculty, and staff interested in educational research to share their ideas. The next session is at 3 p.m. Monday, April 4, in 551 DeGarmo Hall. Refreshments will be provided.
Free public film screening of Paper Tigers March 30
The College of Education and Illinois Education Association Affiliates will host a film screening of Paper Tigers, from 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, March 30.
Support ISU Best Buddies at Friendship Walk, April 16
Illinois State’s chapter of Best Buddies will host the Illinois Best Buddies Friendship Walk on Saturday, April 16, at Normal Community West High School from 9:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Community members are encouraged to register to walk or to sponsor a participant.