Redbird Buzz sits down with College of Engineering founding dean Dr. Thomas Keyser to discuss his plans for the college.
Redbird Buzz discusses new College of Engineering with founding dean Dr. Thomas Keyser

Redbird Buzz sits down with College of Engineering founding dean Dr. Thomas Keyser to discuss his plans for the college.
An important milestone in the development of Illinois State University’s College of Engineering has been reached with the appointment of a founding dean.
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Aondover Tarhule shares updates on the recently approved College of Engineering, set to launch with its first cohort in 2025.
History is being repeated at Illinois State University as creation of a College of Engineering advances following approval in the spring by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) and ISU’s Board of Trustees (BOT).
Dr. Aondover Tarhule, vice president for Academic Affairs and provost, spoke about his vision for the College of Engineering and what Redbirds can expect to see next.