It’s inspiring to see the quality of research that is a result of a professor-student relationship that transcends a grade.
Beyond a grade: Lifelong relationships and passionate research

It’s inspiring to see the quality of research that is a result of a professor-student relationship that transcends a grade.
On April 5, more than 100 faculty and students attended the first-ever therapeutic recreation (TR) summit at Illinois State University.
Hannah Lehmann, a junior at Illinois State University, absorbed the full Scotland experience through a study abroad program. Lehmann is from Waukesha, WI and chose Scotland, United Kingdom to explore the hidden treasures within the country.
The Illinois State University Department of Agriculture took 27 students to the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Student Judging Conference at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky April 10-13.
Department of Technology alumna Akzer Yeshmukhanetova, M.S. ’16, returned to Illinois State University February 22 as the keynote speaker for the International Students Career Series luncheon.
Illinois State University’s African American Studies program announced its inaugural scholarship and research award winners at a recent ceremony.
Redbirds may not know that job offers can be negotiated, or may be too intimidated to do so. The Career Center encourages students and alumni to tackle their fears with useful strategies to negotiate job offers with confidence.
About 100 students and staff removed 300 pounds of waste and recyclable items April 23 from Illinois State University’s campus and the surrounding areas for the University’s inaugural cleanup day.
A retirement reception for Lisa Lee, team teacher at the ISU Child Care Center, will be from 3:30–5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, in Turner Hall, room 125.
Student Affairs Information Technology (SAIT) Project Manager Dean Plumadore will retire from Illinois State University after more than 30 years. A retirement reception will be from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 15.