The Comptroller’s Office is offering FY23 Year-End/FY24 New Year Orientation.Â
FY23 Year-End and FY24 New Year Orientation

The Comptroller’s Office is offering FY23 Year-End/FY24 New Year Orientation.Â
The Civil Service Council will feature a civil service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus! This month get a chance to learn about and applaud Carla Dietsch from the Office of the Comptroller.
The 2022 IRS Form 1042-S is now available.
IRS Form 1095-C now available
ISU uses truncated Social Security numbers to fight identity theft.
Deferred compensation reporting on IRS Form W-2
Possible tax break due to the Earned Income Tax Credit
Forms 1099-Miscelleanous Income (1099-MISC) and 1099 Nonemployee Compensation (1099-NEC) are now available.
To continue claiming an exemption from tax withholding for 2023, provide a new IRS Form W-4 to the University Payroll Office by February 15, 2023.
Employees are subject to federal and state income and withholding taxes on the value of their personal use of an employer-provided vehicle.