CSD students helping people who stutter

Fairchild Hall

Students in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders help spread awareness of stuttering through their registered student organization, the National Stuttering Association.

CSD faculty awarded interdisciplinary initiative grants

Fairchild Hall

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty Jennie Harvey-Northrop, Ph.D., and Ciera Lorio, Ph.D., have received Interdisciplinary Grants from the College of Arts and Sciences. The purpose of these grants is to expand existing programs and build new interdisciplinary connections between programs in the college.

Cochlear implant mapping program at ISU

cochlear implant equipment

The audiology department at the Ecklemann-Taylor Speech and Hearing Clinic will be adding cochlear implant mapping and repairs to their already extensive list of audiology services.

CSD student attends 2018 ASHA convention as MSLP participant

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) senior Alison Dungca attended the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Convention in November as a member of the Minority Student Leadership Program (MSLP).