The Division of Finance and Planning found an opportunity to save money as well as look forward to provide future debt capacity.
Bonds sale results in significant savings for University

The Division of Finance and Planning found an opportunity to save money as well as look forward to provide future debt capacity.
Thanks to work by Facilities, the fourth and fifth floor perimeter rooms at Milner Library now have a 41 percent increase in air flow, and greatly improved temperature control in the affected areas.
The Office of Risk Management has created a travel notification process to ensure emergency services and resources are available, if needed.
A Budget Office System Integration Diagram has been added to the Budget Office website for a high-level view of information flow.
Expected completion date for the last stage of the ITSM project is June 30th.
Nora Fredstrom, an Illinois State University dual major in chemistry and safety, has been selected to serve on the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) national Committee on Chemical Safety.
John Goodman has been named director of the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Office.
University leaders will travel to Springfield to appear before the Senate appropriation hearings on April 14.
April 15 marks the date when all remaining user access to Illinois State University’s mainframe will be removed.
Illinois State University faculty and staff are encouraged to submit proposals to present at the 2016 Continuous Improvement in Technology (CIT) conference on Tuesday, August 2.