Supporting students by servicing their phones

A close-up of a TechZone associate working to open up an iPhone for repair

In the last few months, TechZone, part of the Office of Technology Solutions, has added a new feature to its repertoire: iPhone repair. It has been something that students have been asking about for several years.

Help others stay secure online: Be a cyberchampion!

Two female students work together on a laptop to resolve a technical problem

We have covered several methods cybercriminals use to get your information or your money. Hopefully, you have learned a lot and have taken steps to make your online presence more secure. However, there is more to cybersecurity than just protecting yourself. Cyberchampions actively help others around them avoid traps set by cyberthieves and reduce human error, the leading vulnerability to cybercrime. This makes cyberchampions invaluable to their families and social groups and in workplaces.