Napping can have a lot of benefits, but you can get too much of a good thing.
To nap or not to nap, that is the question

Napping can have a lot of benefits, but you can get too much of a good thing.
Redbird graduate student Lavender Ntaoti is using her Illinois State education to provide health services to a community that desperately needs them.
Meridee VanDraska celebrates 21 years as a Wellness ambassador.
Come and enjoy the wonder of the great outdoors on campus by walking with Health Promotion and Wellness every Wednesday this summer!
Illinois State University recognized students, faculty, staff, and on- and off-campus groups for their outstanding contributions to civic engagement.
Learn ways to extend sexual violence advocacy beyond the month of April both on and off campus.
Take a break with certified therapy dogs, free chair massages, coloring, and other stress-relieving activities in Milner Library during the special Finals Week PAWSitively Stress Free.
The Illinois State University community is asked to show support for survivors of sexual assault by taking part in Denim Day on April 24.
In her second blog for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Chris Dove explores proactive consent as an vital part of a healthy sexual relationship.
As you finalize all of the tasks you must complete before graduation, don’t forget the ones that will be the most important to your career.