Dr. Aondover Tarhule’s vision for international engagement at Illinois State takes shape

man speaking at a podium

Dr. Aondover Tarhule, Illinois State University vice president for Academic Affairs and provost, presented his vision for the future of the University’s international engagement efforts April 20 to more than 50 people in the Old Main Room of the Bone Student Center and simultaneously to an online audience via Zoom during the final session of the Spring 2022 International Seminar Series.

International graduate student perseveres, explores future of art

Rochele Gloor in art gallery

It was March 2021, and most businesses were closed amid another surge in coronavirus (COVID-19) infections and deaths across Brazil. Gloor, however, was continuing her work as art director and costume designer for a five-part television documentary titled Tramas da Moda (FashionNet), about the storied history of fashion in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

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Reggie Redbird holding up a sign that reads "Going to Grad School".

Have you recently accepted an internship, a job, or graduate school? If so, your fellow Redbirds want to hear about it!