The fall Bike to School Day originally scheduled for October 5th has been cancelled.
Fall Bike to School Day cancelled

The fall Bike to School Day originally scheduled for October 5th has been cancelled.
The 2016 College of Education Annual Report highlights the size, national rankings and overall impact of educator preparation at Illinois State University.
Third and fourth-graders and anyone new (grades 3-8) to Metcalf are invited to be a part of our 30th year of the Junior Gamma Phi Circus.
University High School will present the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The Sound of Music from April 8-10.
University High School Technology Coordinator Jim Kurz has helped to facilitate video conference classroom sessions with St. Mary’s College students in Jamaica.
The Laboratory Schools at Illinois State University take pride in collaborating with other departments on campus.
The Laboratory Schools at Illinois State are truly a living laboratory and are always working to improve every aspect of the schools.
The most preformed play in American high schools, Almost Maine, a comedy by John Cariani, will open in University High School’s Stroud Auditorium will run from October 23 to October 25.
The College of Education’s Annual Report shows the impact that educator preparation at Illinois State has made during 2014-2015 and cumulatively throughout the years. More than 1 in 7 teachers in the state are Illinois State alumni. Illinois State graduates teach in all 50 U.S. states and in 56 countries around the world.
Growing up in an orphanage as a tough, street-smart kid, Clyde Coombs could’ve easily stumbled onto a darker path in life, one that he fears would’ve led him to prison or worse.