Congratulations Illinois’ new NBCTs!

Congratulations to Illinois’ Class of 2017 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT)! Three hundred and thirty-seven new NBCTs join the over 6,000 Illinois NBCTs to rank Illinois as sixth in the nation in the number of National Board Certified Teachers. These teachers have invested a tremendous amount of time and energy into this professional journey and we

Congratulations renewed National Board-certified teachers

When a teacher becomes National Board certified, it’s a statement that they teach to the highest standards in the field. Renewing their National Board certification allows them to demonstrate their professional knowledge and reinforce their dedication to their students and their career. Join the National Board and the National Board Resource Center at ISU in

NBCT Intent to Mentor Registration Opens September 28th!

National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) continue to make a positive impact by mentoring their peers to promote school improvement, improve student learning, and develop accomplished teachers through collaborative learning communities.