2021 University Research Symposium open

image of a head thinking

The online University Research Symposium opens Friday, April 9, on ISU ReD. The Symposium is a university-wide showcase of research, scholarship, and creative activity.

Can uranium snowflakes explode a star?

Rendering of a supernova explosion.

Dr. Matt Caplan co-authored a new paper for Physical Review Letters that theorizes uranium snowflakes forming the core of white dwarfs could ignite a supernova explosion.

Lab classes in a pandemic: Arts and Sciences courses make most of situation

Student uses syringe in class

For the Departments of Biology, Physics and Chemistry, class sizes were reduced by at least 50 percent, more lab sections were offered, and students wore masks and socially distanced during labs and classes on campus. Students were still able to continue their research, learn, grow, and collaborate on their projects.