ISU mock trial team begins its 2021-22 season
Illinois State mock trial team starts its season

ISU mock trial team begins its 2021-22 season
Riaz presents a paper on Bangladesh politics.
In the wake of the Democracy Summit organized by the White House scheduled on December 9 and 10, Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz has been interviewed on the state of democracy in South Asia by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), a Washington DC-based think tank. Besides, Riaz has participated in two talk shows on Bangladeshi television organized by the CIPE.
Pause to applaud these high-achieving Illinois State alumni.
Illinois State University Distinguished Alum Donald McHenry ’57 never worked for the president who said “Speak softly but carry a big stick.”
Dr. Ali Riaz quoted in DW on Bangladeshi politics
Dr. Ali Riaz presented at a Kyoto University seminar.
Wang published a co-authored book chapter on “Identity and Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election.”
The rise of autocrats around the world, and the connection to the new middle class, is the focus of the Distinguished Professor Lecture from Dr. Ali Riaz, November 9.
Employing the threat theory and theories of identity, Dr. T.Y. Wang, University professor and chair of the department of politics and government, and his coauthor analyzed 2018–2020 panel data collected in Taiwan. The results were presented at the International Conference of Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research on October 28, 2021.