The Cross Endowed Chair invites faculty and staff members to submit a portfolio showcasing their scholarship of teaching and learning activities by January 27, 2023.
Apply now for the Chizmar and Ostrosky Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award

The Cross Endowed Chair invites faculty and staff members to submit a portfolio showcasing their scholarship of teaching and learning activities by January 27, 2023.
Honors, presentations, and publications of Illinois State faculty and staff.
Dr. Joseph Zompetti was researching Russian disinformation leading up to the Ukraine invasion, but he wanted to do more. The communications professor teaches courses on divisive discourse, and the invasion, along with the January 6 insurrection and anti-vaccination rhetoric, provided plenty of fodder for conversations about polarized political communication.
The Green Screen: 2022 Climate Change Film Series showing at the Normal Theater will focus on the global climate change crisis.
Honors and publications of Illinois State faculty and staff.
Dr. Do-Yong Park, a professor in the School of Teaching and Learning, has now completed two life-changing Fulbright Scholarships.
This article summarizes the Neurologic Communication Disorders and Cognitive Wellness Lab’s mission and provides description of three active research programs offered to the Illinois State University and Bloomington-Normal communities.
Illinois State’s faculty place a high value on experiential learning programs that impact students’ personal and professional development outside the classroom.
Bonnie and Clyde: The Musical by Frank Wildhorn, Ivan Menchell, and Don Black will be performed November 3-6 in the Center for the Performing Arts Theatre.
Distinguished Professor Krzysztof Ostaszewski will present “Risk Has a Price, But Prices Have Risk, Too” at 5 p.m. November 14, in the Old Main Room.