Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz has suggested four possible scenarios of governance under the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Riaz publishes scenarios of Afghan governance under the Taliban

Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz has suggested four possible scenarios of governance under the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Presentations and publications from Illinois State faculty, staff, and students.
Four biologists from Illinois State University’s School of Biological Sciences offered insights to a few frequently asked questions on the Delta variant, breakthrough infections, virus transmission, and vaccine timing.
Presentations and publications of Illinois State faculty and staff.
The University joined the nation’s largest online database of research opportunities, internships, and scholarships.
Presentations and publications of Illinois State faculty and staff.
There’s no quit in Caesar Garduno ’21. The journey hasn’t always been easy, but he stayed on task and earned his bachelor’s degree in economics with minors in sociology and psychology from Illinois State University at the age of 26.
Dr. Marilyn Prasun and Dr. John Sedbrook have been named 2021 Researchers to Know by the Illinois Science and Technology Coalition.
Alex Plumadore ’21 is spending the summer as a contractor intern with the NASA Ames Research Center, working on a project looking at how nitrogen in the atmosphere interacts with a spacecraft during its re-entry to Earth.
Publications from Illinois State faculty and staff.