2021 University Research Symposium open

image of a head thinking

The online University Research Symposium opens Friday, April 9, on ISU ReD. The Symposium is a university-wide showcase of research, scholarship, and creative activity.

Can uranium snowflakes explode a star?

Rendering of a supernova explosion.

Dr. Matt Caplan co-authored a new paper for Physical Review Letters that theorizes uranium snowflakes forming the core of white dwarfs could ignite a supernova explosion.

Art: The Ultimate Form of Human Expression

MFA Graduate Student Shahrbanoo Hamzeh in her studio. Included is some of her artwork.

Shahrbanoo Hamzeh is a student at Illinois State Univeristy pursuing a M.F.A. in studio art. Throughout her art there is a constant theme of voicing the inequality she observed while living in her home country of Iran.