The Division of Student Affairs invites students, staff, alumni, and friends to attend a number of events to help celebrate 100 years of Homecoming.
Division of Student Affairs 2021 Homecoming events

The Division of Student Affairs invites students, staff, alumni, and friends to attend a number of events to help celebrate 100 years of Homecoming.
With over 400 registered student organizations (RSOs) on campus, Illinois State offers students a multitude of opportunities to explore their interests, develop new hobbies, and build a community. As new Redbirds with their own unique passions enroll every year, that number only continues to grow.
College is the time to truly discover one’s passions, and one of the easiest ways to destress from classes and build strong friendships is through involvement on campus. Redbird Life is an online platform for Illinois State University students to explore opportunities on campus through registered student organizations and events.
Joining registered student organizations (RSOs) and making the most of your time at Illinois State has never been easier. Consider these helpful tips for meeting with student and campus representatives at Festival ISU.
Student Activities, a unit of the Dean of Students Office, is collecting contact information from faculty and staff who are interested in serving as volunteer advisors for registered student organizations (RSOs).
Faculty and staff volunteers are needed to help welcome new students to campus during Welcome Week.
Remote learning does not hinder the ISU NAMA (Department of Agriculture RSO) Marketing Competition team’s success
The 2021 Student Involvement Celebration honored outstanding students and registered student organizations (RSOs) making a difference at Illinois State University. The event featured recorded performances by Illinois State’s all-treble a capella group, Secondary Dominance, and Illinois State’s own winner of the America’s Best College Poet competition, Naudia Williams. Nomination and application forms for Student Involvement Awards
The Association of Latinx American Students (ALAS) at Illinois State University provides programs and activities that foster a better understanding and appreciation for the cultural diversity of the Latinx community. ALAS President Mario Romero works with an executive board of peers to operate the RSO. The board worked with Romero to describe the registered student organization’s (RSO) main functions
The Student Wellness Ambassador Team (SWAT) at Illinois State University provides wellness resources to students and the community. SWAT hosts events to promote the eight dimensions of health and provides physical resources to Illinois State students through the Wellness Gazebo, the GSpot. President Tatum Flores said the group holds educational workshops on campus that cover