Diversity Advocacy will host the annual Pride Trivia Night from 4-5 p.m. Saturday, August 19, in the Circus Room of the Bone Student Center.
Pride Trivia Night, August 19

Diversity Advocacy will host the annual Pride Trivia Night from 4-5 p.m. Saturday, August 19, in the Circus Room of the Bone Student Center.
Health Promotion and Wellness will host a chat ’n chew for working moms for the Illinois State community.
As the fall semester rapidly approaches, nerves may begin to settle in for some students and parents. To help ease your transition to college life, University Housing Services wants to share some our top 10 move-in tips to help you feel at ease and confident as you prepare to move in.
Faculty and staff can volunteer to help with Welcome Week, a five-day program to help students feel at home at Illinois State and in the community.
The first-ever Freshman Induction Ceremony will be from 3-4 p.m. Sunday, August 20, in Capen Auditorium.
Many things often stand between us and a good night’s sleep: absurdly long to do lists, family or social obligations, and often our own brains. Some of these barriers are easier to control than others. Regardless, adequate sleep provides a vital foundation for your overall well-being. In fact, its so important that some gyms are
Four Illinois State University alums turn their shared passion for global cultures into jobs at the same international company, IOR Global Services.
You’ve crossed the stage, received your diploma, and turned your tassel. However, as new Redbird alum, your work as a new professional is not yet complete.
Experts compare identifying a career or major to shopping for clothes, and provide useful tips for finding the “right fit.”
Academic and campus departments are invited to participate in Family Weekend on November 3-5 as our students and their families experience Illinois State University together.