Seniors Karli Bonges and Danielle Hall received the John Green Scholarship through Campus Dining Services.
Campus Dining spotlights John Green Scholarship recipients

Seniors Karli Bonges and Danielle Hall received the John Green Scholarship through Campus Dining Services.
Holiday Helper is a program that gives Illinois State students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to provide gifts and parties for over 200 underprivileged children in the Bloomington-Normal community.
Megan Pratt, of Chatham, is a senior elementary education major at Illinois State University. As a freshman, Pratt lived on the Leadership and Service floor and was inspired by her resident assistant (RA) to get involved with Leadership and Community Connections. Since then, Pratt has been involved with Alternative Breaks, Club AB, and LeaderShape, and
Whether it is reading an electronic book, checking our schedules for the following day, or even getting that one-up in a game of Words with Friends—our screens are the last thing we see before sleep and often the first thing we see when we wake up.
The Dean of Students Office is pleased to announce several events in the month of November.
The Dean of Students Office November student spotlight is Andrew Jacobs, a junior arts technology major from Lexington.
The week of October 17 through 22 marked the inaugural Torch Week sponsored by the Interfraternity Council.
YouTube, Skype, Go Pro, webcams. There’s no doubt that video technology is here to stay! For many employers, video is the new wave in interviewing. So how does one put a best foot forward in a job interview online?
For most Chicago Public School students, Columbus Day is a day of leisure spent with family or friends. For a group of middle school students from East Garfield Park, the holiday was an opportunity for so much more.
University Housing Services welcomes “Orange is the New Black” and “Jane the Virgin” actress Diane Guerrero to the Latino Cultural Dinner at 5 p.m. Wednesday, November 9.