Student Activities and Involvement provides support to nearly 400 Registered Student Organizations on campus. The October Registered Student Organization spotlight is Hammin Out.
RSO Spotlight: Hammin’ Out

Student Activities and Involvement provides support to nearly 400 Registered Student Organizations on campus. The October Registered Student Organization spotlight is Hammin Out.
The Dean of Students Office is pleased to announce numerous events happening in October.
Teacher and activist Jesse Hagopian will deliver a talk titled “Black Education Matters” on September 30.
Student Counseling Services is looking for faculty and staff to help make Illinois State’s campus a safe environment for survivors of sexual assault by becoming a “friendly face.”
Illinois State University’s Career Center is proud to announce the release of its 2016 annual report.
Kick off Homecoming week by helping others at the Spread the Red Blood Drive
Voices of Discovery pulls together students from diverse backgrounds to take part in frank discussions about their experiences in life and on campus.
During our last department survey, we were surprised to hear a few reasons why people haven’t climbed at the Study Fitness Center… yet. Allow us to dispel some of the most common misconceptions about climbing so you can enjoy this fun activity!
Thousands of parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins flocked to Illinois State University on September 16-18, 2016, for Family Weekend. It’s one of our best fall traditions.
If you’ve always wanted to play an intramural sport, but didn’t know how to get started, then this is a must-read article.