A retirement reception for Linda Young will be from 1:30-3 p.m. Thursday, April 28, in the Student Services Building, room 314.
Retirement reception for Linda Young

A retirement reception for Linda Young will be from 1:30-3 p.m. Thursday, April 28, in the Student Services Building, room 314.
Illinois State University’s 157th spring commencement will take place on Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7, with each college holding a ceremony.
Exercise is Medicine is an American College of Sports Medicine initiative that calls to action various health care providers to assess physical activity as a vital sign, and partner with other fitness professionals to reduce physical inactivity to improve overall health. At Illinois State University representatives from Student Health Services (SHS), the Department of Kinesiology &
National Medical Laboratory Professional week is April 24-30, making this week the perfect time to highlight the phenomenal staff and laboratory services available at Student Health Services (SHS). Medical laboratory testing plays a crucial role in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Illinois State University students are able to utilize laboratory services for lab tests
Umoja: Celebration of Black Graduates, will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 5, in the Center for Performing Arts on the campus of Illinois State University.
Take a break with certified therapy dogs, free chair massages, coloring, and other stress relieving activities on Monday, May 2, and Tuesday, May 3, from 2–6 p.m. in Milner Library during the special Finals Week PAWSitively Stress Free.
There are many physical benefits of engaging in regular fitness activities. However, the benefits extend far beyond the physical to include improved mental health, confidence, motivation, and even new friendships.
In recent years, researchers have explored, and in many cases proven, napping can actually be beneficial to add to your daily schedule. Naps can help enhance your creativity, help raise your intelligence, and can even add to your overall quality of health and wellness.
International author and speaker Zohra Sarwari will present “No, I Am Not A Terrorist” at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 21, in Stevenson Hall, room 101.
Day 1, Friday: Putting an end to another long week of school, I closed the laptop, grabbed my bag, and was off to the Student Fitness Center (SFC) to enjoy my weekend with a trip to Giant City State Park for some climbing, hiking, and camping. As I got there, I introduced myself to the others on the trip. As