The environmental dimension of wellness has more influence on our personal well-being than many of us might realize.
Build your environmental wellness

The environmental dimension of wellness has more influence on our personal well-being than many of us might realize.
Festivities for Homecoming 2015 include reunions and milestone celebrations for Redbird alumni of Alternative Breaks, Haynie and Wright Halls, and the Theatre of Ted.
The Career Center is pleased to announce that Cintas has joined the Redbird family of supporters by becoming a Career Center Platinum Partner.
The Career Center is hosting its annual “Are you LinkedIn?” workshops beginning on October 13, from 3-4 p.m., in the Student Services Building room 110P.
Students and alumni seeking full-time job opportunities in all industries and majors are invited to the Career Center’s Fall Career Fair on Thursday, October 8, in the Brown Ballroom at the Bone Student Center.
October 11 is National Coming Out Day, and Illinois State’s Pride will be involved.
Holiday Helper gives Illinois State students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to provide gifts and parties for local children.
Governor Bruce Rauner, comedian Bill Engvall, circus alum Christian Stoinev, and even the Stanley Cup all made appearances at Family Weekend.
From the football game to Haunted State, the Dean of Students Office is excited to announce a variety of events on Halloween for all students.
Applications are available through October 9 for Alternative Spring Break.