The more a culture puts high value on extreme standards, the more extreme measures individuals are going to take to fit in.
What is body dysmorphia?

The more a culture puts high value on extreme standards, the more extreme measures individuals are going to take to fit in.
Dr. Thomas Lane ’91, M.S. ‘95 was presented with the Outstanding Service to the Student Affairs Profession Award at the virtual Illinois State University Alumni and Friends Reception held during the NASPA Annual Conference.
Students explore how alumni are making an impact in their communities, learn about their careers, and identify career paths.
Illinois State University’s AsiaConnect and the Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC) will host events to celebrate Asian heritage from April 2-13.
Show the students in Sober Redbirds and beyond that they are supported in their recovery journeys at Illinois State.
Career Services provides a variety of support to assist Redbirds in their job search and careers.
Students from the College Panhellenic Council (CPC), Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and United Greek Council (UGC) joined together to support Sorority and Fraternity Life, a unit of the Dean of Students Office, in the community-wide initiative to establish anti-racism training for sorority and fraternity members campus-wide.
Illinois State University’s annual Civic Engagement Celebration will take place on April 13. The virtual event will feature announcement of the Civic Engagement Award recipients and a presentation by the McLean County Museum of History on the history of activism at Illinois State.
Eating disorders can affect anyone and it is important for treatment specialists to educate themselves on how sexuality and gender identity can play a role in eating disorder development or a negative body image in order to provide the best care possible.
Chicago favorite Bambi Banks-Couleé will headline the evening with performances from local drag talent and newcomers to the virtual stage.