Pranshoo Solanki and Haiyan Xie awarded Illinois Department of Transportation grant

Brendon Phillips, Russell Smallwood, Pranshoo Solanki, Harsh Chauhan, and Alex Roehm with core drill 2021

Dr. Pranshoo Solanki and Dr. Sally Xie, construction management professors were awarded a two-year, $250,000 grant for their study, “Influence of Field Curing Conditions on Strength of Concrete Test Specimens.” Concrete curing is defined as providing adequate temperature, moisture, and time to allow the concrete to achieve the desired strength and durability for its intended

IEA to fund scholarships in Health Sciences, Technology

Representatives from Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc. (IEA) visited campus on March 24 to present a check to establish scholarships for students majoring in Construction Management and Occupational Safety and Health within the College of Applied Science and Technology.

Bone Scholar Profiles: Brittany Weber, Department of Technology

student posing in studio

Students from different departments within CAST (and one student involved in Gamma Phi Circus) were selected as Robert G. Bone Scholars for the 2020-2021 academic year. The recognition is the highest campus honor given to undergraduate students. This year’s recipients answered questions about their work, inspiration, and the honor of being named a Bone Scholar.