Civil Service April Spotlight – Connie Blick

The Civil Service Council will feature a civil service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus! This month get a chance to learn about and applaud Connie Blick with the School of Theatre and Dance.

Meet the Artists Behind Dear Mr. C

Collage image of four previous Crossroads sponsored productions.

CroKee-Yoon Nahm (Chair, Crossroads Project) interviews two of the artists behind the upcoming staged reading of Dear Mr. C, winner of the 2022 Diverse Voices Playwriting Initiative.

Staged reading of Dear Mr. C, April 22

Collage image of four previous Crossroads sponsored productions.

The Crossroads Project will present a staged reading of Dear Mr. C by Tidtaya Sinutoke, winner of the 2022 Diverse Voices Playwriting Initiative on Friday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Center for the Visual Arts (CVA), room 110.