A drive-thru food drive will be held to support the food pantry from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, August 8, at the Normal First United Methodist Church, 211 N. School St. Normal.
School Street Food Pantry drive-thru food drive

A drive-thru food drive will be held to support the food pantry from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, August 8, at the Normal First United Methodist Church, 211 N. School St. Normal.
The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University will hold its next quarterly meeting at 9 a.m. Friday, July 24, 2020. Due to social distancing guidelines, the meeting will be held virtually.
The Multicultural Center along with Student Counseling Services is hosting the virtual Healing Justice Circle for Black Students at 3 p.m. on July 23 via Zoom.
I am very pleased to hear the news that under pressure from U.S. higher education institutions, including Illinois State University, the federal government has rescinded the July 6 rule blocking international students from staying in the U.S. while taking online-only courses.
On July 13, the State of Illinois and Illinois Attorney General’s office filed a lawsuit on behalf of Illinois State University and other universities in the state seeking an injunction to stop the implementation of the entire new federal rule.
Honors and publications of Illinois State faculty and staff.
In the face of unprecedented events, the University’s recognition ceremonies forged ahead and found new ways to celebrate 2020 graduates.
Updates include more detailed plans for the Fall 2020 semester with purposeful steps to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the entire campus community.
A new exhibition features a two-student collaboration at the Illinois State University Student Art Gallery within the Central Illinois Regional Airport (CIRA).
@Salon will host the series @Salon Pride: Queer Sound 2020 curated by trans poet and sound artist Samuel Ace. Each event will feature showcase contributors in conversation and performance.