Sign up for the Veterans Day 5K

people walking with arms around each other

The first ever Veterans Day 5K in honor of Sgt. Josh Rodgers will be from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, November 9. The event is hosted by Illinois State University’s veterans fraternity, Omega Delta Sigma, and the Illinois State University Army ROTC program.

#CASTAlumSpotlight: Honor 200 Veteran Ethan Blumhorst shares unforgettable moments at ISU

Ethan Blumhorst shares experience at ISU

Ethan Blumhorst ’17, M.S. ’18, was recently selected as an Honor 200 Veteran. This award was initiated through a partnership between the Illinois Bicentennial Committee and the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA). Blumhorst received his award at the Illinois Bicentennial Ball in December and was honored for going above and beyond the call of duty